Featuring Golden Mushroom Soup as one of the star ingredients, these meatballs have such a great flavor and make for the best gravy.

My mom’s Sunday dinners are something I didn’t fully appreciate growing up. I’d be just waking up when I would get called to the table where’d there would be a salad or coleslaw to start, followed by meat and potatoes, a side vegetable dish and dinner rolls—always dinner rolls—all by noon. On a Sunday!
Now, knowing how much work goes into preparing a sit-down meal, I truly look forward to any opportunity I get to eat Sunday dinner at my mom’s table. I had that chance recently when we took a quick trip up north to celebrate my dad’s birthday. My mom made one of our family’s favorite Sunday meals: Ede’s Meatballs.
What makes these meatballs so special? This is yet one more beloved dish that comes from my mom’s late Aunt Ede, who was such an amazing home cook and whose recipes continue to be part of so many of our family dinners today. Known for creating delicious, memorable dishes without too much fuss, Ede knocked it out of the park with this one.
Featuring Golden Mushroom Soup as one of the star ingredients, these meatballs have such a great flavor and make for the best gravy. So naturally, mom serves them with her fluffy mashed potatoes, and the combo is the very epitome of Sunday dinner in our family. Plus, the aroma of these beefy babies baking up in your oven are sure to lure everyone, even sleepy teenagers, to the table.