Light and fresh, Ede’s Cucumbers include sliced cucumbers with a tangy dressing made from sour cream (or Top the Tater), green onion, vinegar, lemon juice, sugar and cracked black pepper.

This light and fresh side dish is one we simply call “Ede’s Cucumbers” in my family. My mom has brought this version of a cucumber salad to summer potlucks for years, but it was her Aunt Ede who first introduced her to this tasty little number.
I can imagine Aunt Ede standing in her cozy kitchen that overlooked Cass Lake in northern Minn., peeling cucumbers she just picked from her garden, and then scoring them with a fork to make them look extra pretty for this dish! She always had that special touch that made her delicious home-cooked meals so memorable and that made everyone feel so lucky to have a seat at her table!
When my mom makes this recipe, she scores the cucumbers with the peel still on before slicing them, which she says adds some nice color to the finished dish. When I tried this method, my cukes didn’t turn out so
pretty and got mushy around the edges. Lesson learned: don’t use too much pressure and be sure to use fresh cucumbers. Another fun twist is to use the vegetable peeler to peel stripes in your cucumbers before slicing. Or, simply slice them really thin without peeling or scoring and don’t think too much about it!
Moral of the story? There is more than one way to peel a cucumber! No matter which way you choose, I am sure Aunt Ede would be tickled to know that her recipe for creamy cucumbers lives on and continues to be enjoyed today.